Yoga for Empowerment

Yoga for Empowerment

In the April 2014 interview with Glamour magazine, Lena Dunham--of Girls fame-- said some great stuff.  When editor Sheila Heti mentions that Lena has become " a sort of icon for body acceptance",  Lena responds "My body is just a big neon sign broadcasting to the...

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Managing Stress With Yoga Buddies—Sangha

Managing Stress With Yoga Buddies—Sangha

The dangers of loneliness are real, but fortunately, the antidote can be found in the notion of sangha, the community of the faithful. In my case, my sangha is my yoga community.When I was a kid going to church, it was my friends at church—folks that were on...

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5 Clues You’re in the Wrong Yoga Class

5 Clues You’re in the Wrong Yoga Class

Have you ever regretted a yoga class? It's not a nice feeling. Here's some tips to help you avoid the "icks". 1. You feel out of placeThis one's a no-brainer. If the yoga teacher looks at you funny, or says something mean, like "Come back after you've lost weight",...

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28 Days of Sun Salutations

28 Days of Sun Salutations

During the month of February, I decided to do a crazy thing.  I've been watching some amazing folks doing fabulous poses on Instagram, so I wanted to get in on the fun.   I hope to keep it up all throughout February, but I'm realizing what a big...

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Big Yoga for Less Stress

Big Yoga for Less Stress

Oh boy! I finally have reviewed the final revisions for my new book, Big Yoga for Less Stress.  As with any important endeavour, this book has taken a long time to come to fruition.  In the midst of it all, my darling son Sam died unexpectedly, and...

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The Pillars of Big Yoga: Pranayama

The Pillars of Big Yoga: Pranayama

Prana--the life force of the universe. In the far east, they say "chi". Hawaiians call it "ki". And, Yoda calls it "The Force". We are all born with a finite supply of chi which gets depleted over time through aging, overexertion, bad habits. But there is an infinite...

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The Pillars of Big Yoga

The Pillars of Big Yoga

What is it about Big Yoga® that makes it different from other yoga styles? How did I come up with the name? How long have I been teaching Big Yoga? I thought you might be interested in these questions. Big Yoga is a spin off of Integral Yoga®, a yoga school started by...

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Never Too Old

Never Too Old

Think you're too old for starting up with Yoga? No way! I'm really grateful that I started learning yoga in the 60's when I was still in my twenties, but that doesn't mean folks my age can't start now! There are so many adaptations we can learn when our bodies are a...

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Peace Control

Peace Control

There's a lot of talk these days about gun control .  It makes me a little sick.  I want to be on the record about this.  I am a pacifist.  I would rather lay down my life than shoot someone--that may seem a little facile, because I don't have...

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Well, here we are!

Well, here we are!

Or I should say, here I am; launching into Big Yoga's first adventure in blogland... Have you ever wanted to try yoga, but didn't want to go to a regular class because of Your size? Your age? A disability? Well, you don't have to be thin, young, or flexible to enjoy...

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