Lake Michigan icebergs

Lake Michigan in winter

Let’s all join in and pray with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers on Tuesday, May 18, 2010.

We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers Ask you to join us:



Along with many peoples all around the globe, and many water prayers this spring, we are calling for a MASSIVE GLOBAL EFFORT Our main intention for this healing is to return the waters to their original pure crystalline blueprint, and to add to their abundance for the nourishment of ALL living things on the planet. Pray in your local waterways, at the rivers or lakes or streams. Or pray with a bowl of water in the middle of the cities.

“We are Water Babies. Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink, the water you bathe in. Without our Mother water we would not survive.” Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Takelma Siletz, Oregon

The specific ceremonies being conducted on May 18, 2010: Grandmothers will be holding Water Prayers in the following places:

African Rainforest, Gabon – Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot

Great Lakes, USA– Grandmother Rita Blumenstein

Mountains of Oaxaca, Huautla de Jimenez – Grandmother Julieta Casimiro

Desert of the American Southwest- Grandmother Mona Polacca France – Grandmother Flordemayo

Black Hills of North America– Beatrice and Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance

Plains of North America, Montana-Grandmother Margaret Behan

Hood River, Oregon– Agnes Baker Pilgrim

Nepalese Himalayas– Aama Bombo

Brazilian Amazon-Grandmothers Maria Alice Freire and Clara Shinobu Iura

Tibetan Ceremonies in Canada– Tsering Dolma Gyaltong

Mahia, Aotearoa, New Zealand – Ambassador Pauline Tangiora

At the same time, people will be praying at Nine specific bodies of water around the planet using crystalline energy

Lake Tahoe, California
Lake Titicaca, Peru
Lake MacKay Australia
Lake Chad, Africa
Lake Bikkal, Russia
Lake Kissyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Lake Superior, Minnesota

“Water reflects the human soul. If you say, ‘thank you’ to water, it will be reflected in the form of beautiful crystals overflowing with gratitude in return.” Masuru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water
for more information:



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