William Carlos Williams
My wifes new pink slippers
have gay pom-poms.
There is not a spot or a stain
on their satin toes or their sides.
All night they lie together
under her beds edge.
Shivering I catch sight of them
and smile, in the morning.
Later I watch them
descending the stair,
hurrying through the doors
and round the table,
moving stiffly
with a shake of their gay pom-poms!
And I talk to them
in my secret mind
out of pure happiness.
I wanted to share this wonderful poem today, since it’s the last day of National Poetry Month. I was going to write a poem, but his is better.
Do you ever use poetry or journaling to express the inexpressible? I am a compulsive journal writer, which I’ve been doing for over 50 years. I find it helps me to access thoughts and emotions that I am not clearly aware of. It helps inspire me with new perspectives. Answers to problems present themselves, as if by magic!
Take a moment to write something. Maybe choose 3 words to get you started–how about
Or choose some words of your own. See what comes up. It’s your meditation tool for the day!
Have fun!