Everything on Hold

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Things are pretty weird right now.  I hope you’re staying safe.  I’m praying for all of you.  My main goal every day is to stay in a bubble of grace and joy.  Living in the country, I don’t have the same challenges that other people living in cities have, and I feel tremendous compassion for them–you. 

I thinks it’s really beneficial for those of us who are well to keep broadcasting love, light, peace to those who are suffering and dying.  Bless them as they move into the next dimension.

For our health care workers, send your strength and bolster them with your compassion. 

For the truck drivers who bring us fresh vegetables to market and all the other folks in-between the produce and your shopping bag–bless them too.  And the folks who work at the meat packing plants–they were hit pretty hard.  Send them some love.

Other than that, there really are no words.  Practice pranayama to keep your lungs healthy and strong.  Go to my You Tube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxgehugGEfo for a video on a great practice for the lungs.  Many blessings to you and yours.  Om shanti.



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