Because I recently uploaded an online course called TAKE A DEEP BREATH, I was hoping it could be of benefit to people who are suffering from the myriad of complications after “recovering” from Covid 19. The course employs the 3 basic practices from my Yoga background–breathing techniques, gentle stretches, and meditation and relaxation. I’ve been following some of the Longhaulers online and I’m horrified at the problems they are having. I want to help, if I can.
I haven’t seen any posts on Facebook that mentions using Homeopathy, so I wanted to offer some suggestions. If you’ve never tried using homeopatic remedies, they can be a little “airy-fairy”, but they can’t hurt you like traditional pharmaceuticals, so why not give it a try? I’m not an expert but I’ve had success with some remedies, and this system of healing has been around for over a hundred years.
Since COVID 19 is kind of like the flu, you could try belladonna which is recommended for fever and headache. Gelsemium can be helpful for ordinary flu-like symptoms. Nux vomica, is good for what it sounds like–nausea and chills. Arsenicum album, is the go-to remedy for respiratory and stomach flu. It works best when you start taking the remedy as soon as symptoms commence, and because it triggers an immune response, it can make things worse (very briefly) before you start to feel better. Then continue to take doses whenever the symptoms return.
Ruta graveolens and Rhus toxic-dendron might work for soft tissue issues and tendonitis. Symphitum is for cartilage and ligaments, and Hypericum perforatum is for injuries related to the nerves. Hydrocyanicum acidum is especially for the lung congestion. These are just suggestions–if you want to learn more, naturopathic practioners are well qualified to tailor a remedy just for your condition. There are also many reputable homeopatic sites on the web, and you can chat with your health food store people for more information.
It’s recommended not to eat or drink for 15-30 minutes before and after using homeopatics. Usually it comes as little pellets that you place under your tongue, but there are also liquids and ointments as well. Arnica is a remedy that could be useful for achyness, as well as bumps bruises and burns. For folks who are feeling sore down to the bone, an arnica gel might be just the thing to use.
I don’t have any skin in the game here, I’m just offering what little I know. Of course I believe Yoga can cure anything, but when you’re in trouble, you might need to look elsewhere for help. My heart goes out to all the Longhaulers and may you be blessed with a speedy recovery!