complications after “recovering” from Covid 19
How I Quit Smoking
The way I quit smoking was through the use of pranayama (see my recent post on that.) I had been studying yoga seriously for about a year. My band Ira Gobu was going on the road, so we bought a juicer and brought it along. We had heard of the benefits of...
Prana is more than breath, it literally means the life force of the universe
Beautiful Skin With Big Yoga
Yoga is a terrific stress buster!
The Guru is not just one man in a robe, a beard, and sandals. The Guru is a lineage that spills all pervading Grace down the centuries through embodied channels, where it can flow in a more concentrated form, and pour into your heart. That stream of Grace ignites the...
What is Big Yoga?
Using a Chair for Yoga Meera Kerr: It is the Integral Yoga Hatha I class adapted to the needs of larger people. As I got older I noticed my body was changing. I saw a need for an adaptation to serve those who want to do Yoga but can't do what thinner people are doing....
Big Yoga: The Plus-Size Practice
Meera Kerr, an Integral Yoga teacher for 30 years, is the creator of Big Yoga. She believes that you don't have to be thin to enjoy the benefits of Yoga - her new book, Big Yoga: A Simple Guide for Bigger Bodies, and a second DVD, attest to that. She's spent the last...
You’re Never Too Old for Yoga
Think you're too old for starting up with Yoga? No way! I'm really grateful that I started learning yoga in the 60's when I was still in my twenties, but that doesn't mean folks my age--mid 70's-- can't start now! There are so many adaptations we can...
What do you want?
There’s more to Yoga than looking good in a onsie.
Happy Practitioners Call It “Big Ass Yoga!”
A FLUFFY OMELET OF LUSTMeera Patricia Kerr has been big since childhood. Even during a short run of relatively skinny - but still amply curvy - days around her college years, an admirer called her his "flufry omelet of lust." Kerr has always been comfortable with her...
Fully Fit Plus-size Options Cater to Comfort
It's hard not to be self-conscious when exercising, especially in a room full of lithe, young bodies, but it's even harder for women who fall into the plus-size range. It iisn't just about comfort, though, it's also about physical capabilities. One teacher, Patricia...
Digestive Pose for The Holidays
season of overindulgence
Big Yoga started out as a way to invite folks unfamiliar with yoga to get on the mat. Maybe folks were staying away from Yoga because they only saw pictures of super bendy, svelt models doing amazing poses. I wanted to change that! So, after I put out my...
How Yoga Transforms Your Body
The Eastern practice of yoga has become a modern-day symbol of peace, serenity and well-being in the West. More than 20 million Americans practice yoga, according to the 2012 Yoga in America study, with practitioners spending more than $10 billion a year on...
Yoga and Body Image
There is a new book that came out recently that I think you'll want to have a look at--it's called Yoga and Body Image. This is a powerful subject, and I'm delighted people are talking about it. I've been teaching Yoga for over 35 years, and as I got...