Using a Chair for Yoga Meera Kerr: It is the Integral Yoga Hatha I class adapted to the needs of larger people. As I got older I noticed my body was changing. I saw a need for an adaptation to serve those who want to do Yoga but can't do what thinner people are doing....
What Is Big Yoga, Anyway?
Recently, I met a woman at Yogaville, at the Satchidananda Ashram who wanted to know what Big Yoga meant. So I thought I'd take a minute to tell the world! Big Yoga, patterned after Integral Yoga, is first and foremost a classical, heart centered approach to the...
Mantra is a Mystic Word
This came in a newsletter from Satchidananda Ashram in Virginia, where I was trained in Integral Yoga®. The mind should dwell on a mantra and its vibrations so that it will not divert its attention to anything else. The more you repeat the mantra, the more you produce...
Ten Essential Yoga Moves
There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Yoga poses to choose from, so how do we know which ones are the most essential to our well-being? According to my teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda, the basic Integral Yoga® Hatha 1 class is ideal to keep the body and mind happy, healthy and in harmony.
What About Big Yoga?
Yoga is for Every-Body!